Footbar x Ballon d'Or™ competition rules

Article 1: Organization

Footbar, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), whose registered office is located at 1 RUE DE ROME 78690 LES ESSARTS-LE-ROI, registered with the RCS of Versailles under SIREN number 799614102, hereinafter referred to as "Footbar", is organizing a game with an obligation to purchase a tracker Footbar worth €59.00 including tax, open from 09/25/2023 at 1:00 pm to 10/08/2023 at 6:00 pm, Paris time. This contest is governed by French law applicable to games and contests.

Article 2: Site, dates and times of the competition

The game will take place on social networks: 

-TikTok via the and accounts

- Instagram via and

- You Tube account

Directly on the Footbar application available on AppStore and PlayStore.

It will run from 09/25/2023 at 1:00 pm to 10/08/2023 at 6:00 pm, Paris time. All entries must be finalized and validated before 08/10/2023 at 6:00 pm, Paris time. The winner will be selected on 09/10/2023 at 10am. The winner will be contacted by email between 09/10/2023 and 13/10/2023. 

Article 3: Participants

The competition is open to anyone residing in mainland France (including Corsica), with the exception of employees of the organizing company and its affiliated companies. Any person directly or indirectly involved in the design, production or management of the game is excluded, as are their spouses and family members: direct ascendants and descendants or other relatives, whether or not living under their roof.

Participation in the game requires Internet access and a valid e-mail address. Only one entry per person is permitted (same name/pseudonym, same e-mail address). All participation is strictly nominative and the participant may not under any circumstances play on behalf of other participants. Footbar reserves the right to carry out any necessary checks to ensure compliance with this rule.

All participants under the age of 18 must obtain prior authorization from one of their parents or legal guardian to take part in the Game. The organizing company may ask any minor participant to provide proof of such authorization and, if necessary, disqualify a participant who cannot provide proof of such authorization. The organizing company may ask any winner who is a minor to provide proof of said authorization for participation in the Game. The organizing company reserves the right to select another winner in the event that an initial winner, if a minor, is unable to provide sufficient proof of said authorization.

Footbar reserves the right to ask any participant to provide proof of the above conditions. Any person who does not meet these conditions or refuses to justify them will be excluded from the game and, in the event of winning, will not be entitled to his or her prize.

Participation in the game implies full acceptance of the present rules, as well as the French laws and regulations applicable in the matter.

Article 4: Terms of participation

Participants can try their luck by visiting the social networks listed below; only one entry per person is possible during the game.

In order to participate in the game, the participant must meet the following conditions:

Alternatively, go to ; 

  • The TikTok account and/or 
  • Instagram on and/or 
  • You Tube account 
  • Directly on the Footbar application available on AppStore and PlayStore

View the video posted on :

  • The TikTok account and/or 
  • Instagram on and/or 
  • You Tube account
  • Directly on the Footbar application available on AppStore and PlayStore 
  • Be in possession of a tracker Footbar;
  • Have a personal account on the Footbar application available on iOS and Android ;
  • Achieve your best shooting performance measured in km/h via the Footbar application in a session lasting more than thirty (30) minutes, i.e. with tracker switched on for at least thirty (30) minutes.

Article 5: Winnings

The prize will be offered to one (1) winner of the present contest and awarded in accordance with article 6 of the present rules.

Description of the prize: Two (2) invitations to the Ballon d'Or Ceremony, to be held on 30/10/2023 at the Théâtre du Châtelet, 2 Rue Edouard Colonne, 75001 Paris.

Article 6: Designation of winners

On 11/10/2023 at 10 a.m., a jury of Footbar employees will select the winner by consulting the performances achieved and in particular the shooting power, with Footbar's servers as a reference, in order to designate the winners who will win the prize mentioned in article 5 of these rules. 

In the event of a tie, the jury will consider in turn : 

  • The number of sessions lasting more than 30 minutes during the contest period
  • Cumulative duration of sessions during the contest period

Footbar guarantees the impartiality, good faith and loyalty of its jury members. The jury is sovereign in its choices and its decisions are final. 

Participants are informed that the selection will concern all submissions made within the framework of the competition and in accordance with the present rules.

The organizing company reserves the right to disqualify participants who do not respect the general conditions of the contest.

Article 7: Announcement of winners

The winner will be contacted by Footbar at the email address associated with the account on the Footbar application.

Footbar is not responsible for incomplete data or for the deletion or loss of emails or messages, or for the malfunction of the social networks concerned.

In the event of a minor winning, the prize will be awarded only after contact has been made with one of the minor's parents or legal guardian. 

Article 8: Delivery of the prize

Footbar will send the winner an email to the email address communicated in a private message in order to inform him/her of the terms and conditions for receiving the prize. 

The prize will be two (2) invitations to the Ballon d'Or Ceremony on 30/10/2023.

The prize is accepted as announced. It may not be exchanged for its cash value or for any goods or services whatsoever, nor may it be taken back, nor may it be the subject of any consideration or financial equivalent. Footbar cannot be asked to make any changes (in date, prize, etc.) for any reason whatsoever. 

In addition to the prize, Footbar is responsible for the costs and reservation of transportation to the destination of the winner's accommodation and their companion. Footbar will also pay for the accommodation of the winner and his/her companion. Catering costs as well as transfer costs between accommodation and the Ceremony etc. will remain the responsibility of the winner and their accompanying person(s)".

The winner authorizes the use of his/her image, the terms of which will be the subject of a separate agreement.

Participants are informed that certain destinations require compliance with formalities or legal obligations (travel documents, visas, medical or health formalities, etc.) that may apply to them and/or their companion(s). They are responsible for finding out about and complying with these requirements.

In any event, access to the prize will be in accordance with the terms and conditions communicated by Footbar to the winner on the e-mail address. Participants are solely responsible for their prize and its use, as well as for the benefit of their prize by their companion(s).

At the time of awarding the prize, Footbar reserves the right to replace the prize with one of equivalent value, should external circumstances force it to do so, without any claim being able to be made in this respect. The winner will be informed of any changes.

Article 9: Liability of participants

Participants agree to take part in the competition fairly and in good faith.

Any participation contrary to the provisions of these rules will result in disqualification and the inability to win any prize awarded. Any participant suspected of fraud may be excluded from the contest by Footbar without Footbar having to justify this. More generally, any attempt to disrupt the normal game-contest process will result in the participant's disqualification. Any identification or participation that is incomplete, erroneous or illegible, whether intentionally or not, or made in a form other than that provided for in these rules will be considered null and void.

Article 10: No participation fees

Given the current state of service and technology, Internet service providers offer free or flat-rate connections to Internet users. It is therefore expressly stipulated that any access to the game-contest (such as connection by cable, ADSL or specialized connection) will not give rise to any reimbursement, insofar as the subscription to the services of the access provider is contracted by the Internet user for his/her use of the Internet in general and that the fact that the player connects to the Footbar site or its partners and participates in the game does not incur any additional costs or expenses. 

Article 10: Use of participants' personal data

In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, the information collected to participate in the competition is intended exclusively for Footbar. The data collected for this purpose is mandatory for participation in the game. Consequently, persons wishing to delete this data before the end of the game will not be able to participate. All participants in the game also have the right to access, rectify and delete any data concerning them by sending a written request to Footbar at the address given in Article 1.

Winners authorize Footbar to use their contact information (last name, first name, pseudonym) for advertising, promotional or public relations purposes, in any medium whatsoever, without this conferring on them any remuneration, right or benefit whatsoever, other than the award of their prize.

Article 11: Game rules

These rules are available on the website.

Footbar reserves the right to extend, shorten, modify or cancel the game at any time, particularly in the event of force majeure, without participants being able to claim any compensation.

Article 12: Submission of regulations

The rules are filed with SCP SIMONIN - LE MAREC - GUERRIER, Commissaires de Justice Associés, located at 54 rue Taitbout 75009 Paris.

In the event of any discrepancy between the version of the Rules filed with SCP SIMONIN - LE MAREC -GUERRIER, Commissaires de Justice Associés, and the version of the Rules transmitted, only the version filed with the Commissaire de Justice shall prevail.

Any modification, whether substantial or not, to the present rules may be made during the course of the Game and will be the subject of an amendment filed with the commissaire's office at the above address. In the event of any contradiction between the provisions of the present rules and any message and/or information whatsoever relating to the Game, it is hereby specified that the provisions of the present rules shall prevail.

Article 13: Intellectual property

The reproduction, representation or use of all or part of the elements making up the game, including these rules, is strictly prohibited.

All trademarks, logos, texts, images, videos and other distinctive signs reproduced on the site and/or social networks, as well as on sites to which the site provides access via hypertext links, are the exclusive property of their owners and are therefore protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code for the entire world. Their unauthorized reproduction constitutes an infringement punishable by law.

Article 14: Footbar's liability

Participation in the competition implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, particularly with regard to technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, the risks of interruption, the risks associated with the connection, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation and the risks of contamination by any viruses circulating on the network. Footbar cannot be held responsible, in particular, for malfunctions that may affect the Internet network, for any configuration problem or for any problem related to a given browser.

Footbar does not guarantee that the website from which the competition is accessible will function without interruption or that it will be free of computer errors or defects. Footbar may not be held liable on these grounds.

Nor can Footbar be held responsible for technical malfunctions of the competition, if participants are unable to connect to the competition site or to play, if registration data is not received for any reason not attributable to Footbar, or if it is illegible or impossible to process, or in the event of e-mail delivery problems. Participants may not claim any compensation in this regard. Footbar will not be held responsible for the participant's use of social networks (which must comply with applicable regulations) or in the event of malfunction of social networks.

Participation in the competition is the sole responsibility of the participants. Footbar cannot be held responsible for any damage, material or immaterial, caused to participants, their computer equipment and the data stored on it, or any direct or indirect consequences that may arise, in particular from their personal, professional or commercial activity.

Footbar may not be held liable if, in the event of force majeure, it is forced to cancel, shorten, extend, postpone or modify the conditions of this game. In all cases, it reserves the right to extend the participation period. Such changes will be notified in advance by any appropriate means.

Footbar cannot be held responsible for delays, loss, theft, damage to mail or illegibility of postmarks due to postal services. Nor can Footbar be held responsible, and no recourse may be taken against it, in the event of the occurrence of events presenting the characteristics of force majeure (strikes, bad weather, etc.), acts of God or acts of a third party, depriving participants, in particular, partially or totally, of the possibility of participating in the game and/or the winner of the benefit of their prize.

Footbar and its service providers and partners may in no case be held liable for any incidents that may occur in the use of the prizes by the beneficiaries or their guests once the winners have taken possession of them. Likewise, Footbar and its service providers and partners cannot be held responsible for the loss or theft of prizes by the beneficiaries once the winners have taken possession of them. In any event, the prizes will be used according to the terms and conditions communicated by Footbar. The winner is solely responsible for his/her prize and its use.

Article 15: Disputes & complaints

These rules are governed by French law. Footbar reserves the right to rule without appeal on any difficulty that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of these rules, it being understood that no dispute will be admitted, in particular regarding the terms of the game, the results, the winnings or their receipt, one month after the end of the game. All claims must be sent to Footbar within one month of the end of the game. After this date, no claims will be accepted. Except in the case of obvious errors, it is agreed that the information resulting from Footbar's game systems has probative force in any dispute as to the connection elements and the computer processing of said information relating to the game.

By express agreement between the participant and Footbar, only Footbar's computer systems and files will be deemed authentic.

It is therefore agreed that, in the absence of manifest error, Footbar may rely, in particular for the purposes of proof of any act, fact or omission, on programs, data, files, records, operations and other elements (such as monitoring reports or other statements) of a computer or electronic nature or format, established, received or stored directly or indirectly by Footbar.

Article 16: Applicable law

The present rules are subject to French law. In the event of persistent disagreement on the application of the present rules, the dispute will be submitted to the sovereign appreciation of the competent French courts.

The original French version of these regulations may have been translated into other languages. The translation is provided for your information. In the event of any dispute concerning the content or interpretation of these rules, or in the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the French version and any other foreign-language version of these rules, the French version shall prevail. The French version is available on our website (by selecting the French language) or can be sent to you on request by email.

Should any provision of these regulations be invalidated, you will still be subject to the other provisions of these regulations. In such a case, the invalidated provision will nevertheless be applied to the extent permitted by law, taking into account the content and purpose of these rules.